Leaving Vacationland

Chelsea & I at Seaside Beach

Sigh. In a few short hours I shall begin the dreaded prep work for RETURNING TO WORK. I knew it had to happen, and I am welcoming it as much as I would a burning, itching rash – but I feel great. This was one of the most incredible vacations I have had in who knows how long. The Coast of Oregon cooperated with the weather, and the energy of everyone involved was euphoric. It was awesome that my daughter Chelsea and her boyfriend Patrick came out to visit, and that we all got to hang for the week.

Our vacation primarily consisted of eating and walking, then more walking combined with eating, plus a dose of eating, eating, drinking, walking, eating, and then walking. There was some random beach lolling, sea creatures, ghost hunting, arcade games, movie watching, and the ritual buying of crap from different shops tossed in to change it up.

At the Columbia River Bar

I loved this vacation.

Besides not being at work, this vacation was a break from writing – this blog included. But in the same way I need to get back into retail- mania mode; it is time to get into the writer groove again.

Chilling by the Firepit

This is a good thing, but I know how I am. My Mars in Cancer means I can be a lazy little wench, so grooves are typically good for me. They can also be a trap if I don’t keep the balance. The writing can get stale and uninspired, sloppy, surface, cliche and on and on. Being around different people in different settings, living life – it all adds up to more stuff to write about.

Heading up Tillamook Head Trail

I don’t mean literally. I am not planning on literally writing about giant seastars and the tidal pool Nazi who yelled at Kashmere for pointing at a mussell on a rock. Well – I suppose I could – but that’s not really my point. It’s just that being able to let go once in awhile and experience new things can free up those clogged writer pores. I can always use a good scrub in that area.

These suckers were huge! Haystack Rock, Cannon Beach


Chelsea took 470 photos, but do not fear! I am posting but a few to give you that “vacation essence”. Hey – go out and experience some stuff too, will ya’?




Gratuitous Beaver Shot

Courtesy of the Heritage Museum in Astoria, Oregon.
Walking along the Columbia Riverfront in Astoria on the trolley tracks, after a particularly good meal at the Wet Dog Cafe: Fish & Chips with the world’s best clam chowder – mmmmm……

Voted Best Photo of the trip

 And finally, as the sun sets giving rise to a full moon…

Voted the Most Disturbing Photo of the trip.

3 comments on “Leaving Vacationland

  1. This is an AWESOME blog post. I love how you arranged it with the photos and such. There was much lol-ing, mixed with sighs of nostalgia. I love you and miss you so much already. Hugs and kisses ..and of course give my love to John and Kash.

    Wish I was still there with you guys. Glad that you had an awesome vacation–you deserve it!

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